Blockchain in Renewable Energy – Denver Startup Week 2019

What does blockchain mean for renewable energy? In the energy and cleantech landscape, dozens of companies, ranging from startups to large utilities are experimenting with different applications of blockchain technology in the energy sector. Energy experts believe that believe blockchain technology has the potential to redesign the rules of the game on how energy is distributed and transacted. This panel session brings together early stage blockchain innovators, think tank leaders and national lab experts to discuss blockchain's potential as a transformative and highly scalable platform for enabling distributed energy markets.

Hunter Albright is an entrepreneur, engineer and educator. He is CEO of Curve10, an application innovation company, and the co-founder and Executive Director of the recently formed Blockchain Alliance at the University of Colorado Boulder.

David A. Cohen, founder and CEO of Taekion, a blockchain-based Cybersecurity company, is internationally renowned for his pioneering work on decentralized software platforms. David has founded four high-tech companies and has a track record in build- ing, scaling, and selling innovative and profitable ventures.

Dylan Cutler’s work as a researcher at the National Renewable Energy Lab has been focused on the development of the REOpt model, a system for integration and optimization of distributed energy resources.


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