Revolutionary Blockchain Applications: Energy Utility – Developer Perspectives On Blockchain

At a recent Consensus Hackathon , the winning team created a blockchain application connecting independent energy producers and consumers using the Hyperledger Project’s Fabric & IBM Bluemix. Read more here. Learn more about blockchain at Part 3 of the Developer Perspectives On Blockchain series IBM Owner: Sarah Dudley

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Blockchain technology for greater flexibility in the electricity grid system TenneT

As the first transmission system operator, TenneT uses networked, decentralized home storage with the blockchain to stabilize the power grid. Flexible use of battery storage reduces network-stabilizing emergency measures. After a successful pilot phase, the blockchain technology can be further expanded through IBM's open source-based solution. In a second project in the Netherlands, together with Vandebron, TenneT uses the charging of electric vehicles to keep the balance between consumption and production stable. Both pilot projects are further steps to make the electricity network fit for the future.

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Flexibilisierung im Stromnetz ermöglichen – Blockchain-Technologie

Als erster Übertragungsnetzbetreiber nutzt TenneT mit der Blockchain vernetzte, dezentrale Heimspeicher zur Stabilisierung des Stromnetzes. Flexibler Einsatz von Batteriespeichern reduziert netzstabilisierende Notmaßnahmen. Nach erfolgreicher Pilotphase kann die Blockchain-Technologie über die Open Source- basierte Lösung von IBM weiter ausgebaut werden. In einem zweiten Projekt in den Niederlanden zusammen mit Vandebron, nutzt TenneT das Laden von Elektrofahrzeugen, um die Balance zwischen Verbrauch und Erzeugung stabil zu halten. Beide Pilotprojekte sind weitere Schritte um das Stromnetz fit für die Zukunft zu machen. TenneT taking power further

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Big Data, Big Opportunities: Energy & Utilities

Evolving technologies in the energy and utilities industry, including smart meters and smart grids, can provide companies with unprecedented capabilities for forecasting demand, shaping customer usage patterns, preventing outages, optimizing unit commitment and more. At the same time, these advances also generate unprecedented data volume, speed and complexity.To manage and use this information to gain insight, energy and utility companies are turning to big data technologies capable of high-volume data management and advanced analytics. For more information, download the white paper "Managing big data for smart grids and smart meters"…

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