Join Mailing List and Read White Paper: Telegram Group: Twitter: ICO Listings KICKICO: ICO Bench: ICO Examiner: ICO Bull: ICO Marks: Terawatt is a patent-pending, renewable energy blockchain startup, with a strong focus on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Terawatt will create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), and also create a highly deflationary Ethereum-based currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, Token Holders, and Energy Customers worldwide. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual/insurance fund…
mehr lesen auf EPSchlagwort: crypto currency
WePower ICO Review: A blockchain based green energy trading platform
WePower ICO Review: A blockchain based green energy trading platform WePower enables renewable energy producers to raise capital by issuing their own energy tokens. These tokens represent energy they commit to produce and deliver. Energy tokenization standardizes simplifies and opens globally currently existing energy investment ecosystem. As a result energy producers can trade directly with the green energy buyers (consumers and investors) and raise capital by selling energy upfront, at below market rates. Energy tokenization ensures liquidity and extends access to capital. The WePower blockchain solution is currently recognized by…
mehr lesen auf EPBlockchain Projects Green Power Exchange – Blockchain Renewable Energy Trading
#newkidsontheblockchain #blockchain #gpx We chatted to the guys at GPX about their upcoming Pre-ICO and how their blockchain soloution could disrupt the energy market and allow everyone access to cheaper renewable energy using .crypto. The GPX Platform enables simple Peer-to-Peer energy trading. Producers can easily pre-sell their power at a better rate while allowing consumers to buy their power directly for significantly less. We are creating a hyper-efficient renewable energy market place to turbocharge clean energy deployment and push out fossil fuels. Be on the right side of history. Music…
mehr lesen auf EPBlockchain Projects XIWATT Renewable Energy – ICO coming soon!
#newkidsontheblockchain #blockchain #xiwatt New Kids On The Blockchain chatted to Hamza Choudhry about the renewable energy blockchain space and how Xiwatt are planning on making a difference by their vision of "A world where energy is both clean and affordable' Make sure you like and subscribe to stay informed on blockchain , crypto and ICO news. Intelligent content rather than the usual pump and dump "My Mind Is Blown By This Coin!" saturated nonsense! Music by
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