Our partner: Registration code: 5516709372 General partner – E-DINAR COIN Information partner CoinIdol – Information partner – Bitcoin Garden Summit on blockchain technologies. The worlds’ top blockchain developers, founder of Ethereum, Grid Singularity and other experts offer first-hand answers on blockchain workings and how blockchain will transform the energy sector. Event Horizon will take place in Vienna, Austria from 13 to 15 February 2017. The event will host around 700 participants from all over Europe, South Africa, Japan, Australia and the US. Summit is supported by the Austrian government. Do…
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Mythen und Realität in der Blockchain; Vortrag von Thorsten Zoerner von StromDAO
Vortrag von Thorsten Zoerner „Mythen und Realität in der Blockchain – Ein Erfahrungsbericht der StromDAO“ Der Einsatz der Blockchain-Technologie wird die Energiewirtschaft verändern. Bei der StromDAO hat man den Ansatz gewählt, die Prozesse zwischen den Akteuren gezielt für diese Technologie neu umzusetzen. Entlang der Wertschöpfungskette der Energieversorgung ist damit eine Sammlung von Werkzeugen entstanden, welche klassische Prozesse dezentral absichern können. Möglich ist damit auch, dass das sonst auf Organisationsstrukturen und Marken basierende Vertrauen eine Substitution in der Blockchain finden kann. Thorsten Zoerner ist Experte für Datenanalyse und IT-Systemarchitekturen und hat…
mehr lesen auf EPCryptosolartech – Blockchain with Solar Energy
Cryptosolartech Website Cryptosolartech Whitepaper Cryptosolartech Facebook Cryptosolartech Twitter Cryptosolartech Reddit Cryptosolartech Medium Cryptosolartech Telegram Bitcointalk username: terzy Bitcointalk URL:
mehr lesen auf EPTeraWATT – Global LED Adoption Through Blockchain Technology
Join Mailing List and Read White Paper: Telegram Group: Twitter: ICO Listings KICKICO: ICO Bench: ICO Examiner: ICO Bull: ICO Marks: Terawatt is a patent-pending, renewable energy blockchain startup, with a strong focus on monetization and driving global L.E.D. adoption. Terawatt will create a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), and also create a highly deflationary Ethereum-based currency for global payments. The DAO will be funded and used by Utility Companies, L.E.D. Sellers, Businesses, Token Holders, and Energy Customers worldwide. The DAO will act as a decentralized global mutual/insurance fund…
mehr lesen auf EPETAINPOWER – A Blockchain based Energy Ecosystem Powered by Ai
ETAINPOWER Website ETAINPOWER Whitepaper ETAINPOWER ANN ETAINPOWER Facebook ETAINPOWER Twitter ETAINPOWER Reddit ETAINPOWER Instagram ETAINPOWER Linkedin ETAINPOWER Telegram Bitcointalk username: terzy Bitcointalk URL: ETH address: 0xCb59925c8c9a0661757F25DD534c5ea08c24DEd1
mehr lesen auf EPGrid+ ICO Review – Blockchain Lowering Energy Costs? Grid PLUS
Grid+ or Grid Plus is a energy platform ICO taking place on Oct 30th. It is the brain child of several Consensys developers. Grid + aims to revolutionize the energy industry anywhere it is deregulated by bringing blockchain technology and security in to replace the retailers that are currently marking up prices by as much as 100% Tell us what you think of Grid + in the comments below.! Big Thanks to all viewers, subscribers, those who have hit like! You all have been superb. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ? Secure your cryptocurrency?…
mehr lesen auf EPBlockchain Use Case: Affordable and Sustainable Energy | Interview with Dan Bates
Dan Bates, CEO of ImpactPPA sat down with Cointelegraph’s Stephen Chase to talk about the ways Blokchain can be used to help the people who need it most by bringing power to the countries that need it most. Subscribe to our channel for even more videos! OUR CHANNEL ABOUT COINTELEGRAPH
mehr lesen auf EPEnergimine: Can Blockchain help us save energy?
Energimine ( )( ) wants to make the world greener by encouraging people to save energy (such as turn off air-conditioning or use public transport). Instead of nagging people, they are offering a direct incentive people who save energy via the Energi Token (ETK) – hence making it economically beneficial to save energy. *This is a sponsored interview. I have reserved the rights to voice my concerns and express my opinions* ??Subscribe to Boxmining for Daily CryptoNews and Altcoin explainers: ?Recommended Exchange – Binance: ?Hardware Wallet: ?Mobile Wallet: Brave Browser:…
mehr lesen auf EPBlockchain Projects Green Power Exchange – Blockchain Renewable Energy Trading
#newkidsontheblockchain #blockchain #gpx We chatted to the guys at GPX about their upcoming Pre-ICO and how their blockchain soloution could disrupt the energy market and allow everyone access to cheaper renewable energy using .crypto. The GPX Platform enables simple Peer-to-Peer energy trading. Producers can easily pre-sell their power at a better rate while allowing consumers to buy their power directly for significantly less. We are creating a hyper-efficient renewable energy market place to turbocharge clean energy deployment and push out fossil fuels. Be on the right side of history. Music…
mehr lesen auf EPICO Review – Sun Money (SMT) – Solar Energy Market Platform Based on Blockchain – [ Hindi / Urdu ]
Click here to subscribe our channel for latest videos: SunMoney Solar Group (SSG) is a community-funded renewable energy company, established in 2013 with a 2 million euro investment from private investors. With more than 10,000 members in 28 countries, SSG owns/operates/owns options of solar power plants with an active capacity of 20 MW. SunMoney Official Website: SunMoney Official Telegram: To Buy SMT Tokens: Press Buy Token Button and Enter this Code to get a discount: eK8BUPnn Whitepaper: ICOBench: ICOHolder: ICOBazaar: Youtube: To add new capacity and grow its community, SSG…
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