SolarCoin, a blockchain digital asset to enable the energy transition

SolarCoin is an international and community-based initiative promoting the development of solar energy. SolarCoin is like an airmile programme and any solar power producer can connect their solar panels to the SolarCoin network by registering their solar install to the SolarCoin website, receiving 1 SLR (ie SolarCoin, §) for each MWh of solar energy produced. Blockchain, the technology behind digital currencies is a decentralised ledger which allows participants to communicate and validate data and monetary transactions on a same registry, available peer-to-peer to all participants in the network. SolarCoin is…

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Unlocking Opportunities for Blockchain in the Energy Sector

Blockchain technology is set to revolutionize everything that’s digital or automated in energy; covering machine learning to AI, smart contracts to demand response and so much more. But if you, like most energy execs, are struggling to understand where to begin with blockchain then make sure you attend our free webinar today with the Energy Web Foundation. Now they want to share their learnings with you! We will be joined in this webinar by Amy Westervelt, Program Coordinator at EWF, as well as Doug Miller who is a key team…

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Blockchain Projects Green Power Exchange – Blockchain Renewable Energy Trading

#newkidsontheblockchain #blockchain #gpx We chatted to the guys at GPX about their upcoming Pre-ICO and how their blockchain soloution could disrupt the energy market and allow everyone access to cheaper renewable energy using .crypto. The GPX Platform enables simple Peer-to-Peer energy trading. Producers can easily pre-sell their power at a better rate while allowing consumers to buy their power directly for significantly less. We are creating a hyper-efficient renewable energy market place to turbocharge clean energy deployment and push out fossil fuels. Be on the right side of history. Music…

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